EARs To A Beautiful Relationship!!
We just experienced a beautiful rain shower here in Filmore Valley. Not much, but there was also no severe weather to harm the corn and beans and the vulnerable tart cherries our many neighboring fellow farmers are still harvesting. In the approximate 2 months since the corn emerged, much has transpired in the fields and in our busy lives. I thought some of you may be interested in a little Agronomy 101 as to how an ear of corn-sweet corn or field corn- actually is born. http://www.aganytime.com/Pages/Article.aspx?name=A-Closer-Look-at-Corn-Pollination&fields=article&article=910
Well our tassels have been flying here for over a week with the silks prettily waving on the stalks. With some nice heat and a full moon to boot in the mix, not to be too corny or anything, things are really popping in the field!! We anticipate another 3 months of growing weather before harvest. That means hopefully many hot days and warm nights, favorable rains with no severe storms, a seasonable autumn and a not too early frost and…and..lots of prayers.
There is much to anticipate with the crops between now and harvest. As in life it is best not to wish away today waiting for what will, can, or may happen tomorrow. Also the harmony of the corn plant life cycle makes me think about relationships we all have. We have expectations of others that if not met to our liking may cause conflict and not so great yields in various areas of everyday life. I struggle with this when it seems aspects of life could be going better. Perhaps I could be reminded of the cooperation it takes from the entire corn plant from germination to harvest to actually accomplish the goal of just one ear of corn. Working together is essential- in developing kernels of corn, in the workplace, in families-actually in every area of life. So ‘EARS to collaboration and teamwork and especailly to perfect bushels of corn!!